We share information

Current topics and trends concern not only our development and production, but also our customers. This is why we always try to share our expert knowledge for the development of medical devices with our customers and partners.
As a company that has already proven itself in the field of medical technology, we attach great importance not only to the quality of our products, but also to the fruitful exchange of knowledge. We want to give you the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the medical technology industry, or to share the specific expert knowledge of our employees with you.
To do this, we use various methods such as articles in trade journals or by holding lectures and giving presentations. Therefore, the valuable task of sharing knowledge fell to our experienced employees Dipl. Ing. Volker Placke and Karlheinz Trost this month.
In the context of Embedded Testing, they both gave lectures on the topics of “MDR Impact – Example: Defibrillation Devices” and “The Defibrillator – A Snapshot of a Class IIb Product – Overview and Comparison”.
However, we also want to give you the opportunity to digitally participate in our knowledge exchange. You can download the slides for the two lectures here.
Furthermore, we also use our social media channels to keep you up to date on current developments, products or our success stories. Whether it be LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook or Instagram – follow us and stay informed.