A platform that connects: Modular centrepiece for efficient information processing

Corscience has developed a platform solution for all control, communication and analysis tasks that ensures optimised operability and data processing. The architecture of the platform separates computing power from safety-related functions and ensures a seamless flow of information – within the device and to the user.

The platform solution is fully scalable: we can quickly connect the customer’s existing technologies, such as sensors, to the system, both in terms of hardware and software. In close consultation with the customer, including hybrid customer and Corscience teams, our developers tailor the platform’s computing power and desired interfaces to the specific application – depending on which requirements are in focus, e.g.

  • Parameter monitoring,
  • data analysis,
  • connectivity.

Our developers draw on a wide range of tried and tested technologies – from simple microcontrollers to powerful multi-core processors. This is how we guarantee:

  • optimised device operability,
  • seamless delivery of information through a variety of interfaces,
  • parallel task processing for more complex devices.

Case Studies

To see how our platform approach can accelerate the development and approval process for medical devices, take a look at two of our project examples:

Variety of interfaces for a blood pressure monitor

The development of a modular blood pressure monitor also required the bespoke solution of a complex device. The device had to simultaneously monitor the patient’s oxygen saturation and temperature, as well as read and synchronise patient data (HL7) via barcode. This required the connection of various sensors. At the same time, the customer wanted:

  • Information output via LED light,
  • Display and acoustic signal for user interaction
  • Interfaces for data output to a printer via Bluetooth (WiFi)
  • Connection to hospital network via Ethernet (LAN).

The required connectivity and input/output operability was easily achieved thanks to our scalable platform. The combination of a powerful microprocessor and a secure Linux operating system reliably met all the requirements for the modular blood pressure monitor.

Robust real-time data for research purposes

In the development of a propofol monitor specifically designed to test the performance of a gas sensor, the focus was on the following points:

  • Integrating the client’s sensor: The sensor had to be integrated into the system to record the propofol level in a person’s breath.
  • Real-time visualisation: The readings needed to be displayed in real time in a graph on a small display.
  • Data recording: All readings had to be stored for later evaluation and analysis.

It was therefore important to have sufficient ROM storage capacity and a computing unit capable of providing high-resolution readings for visualisation.

As only the data from one gas sensor needed to be processed, the Corscience development team decided to equip the computing platform with a microcontroller and a real-time operating system (RTOS). This allowed the device to be implemented quickly and cost-effective.

Flexible, safe, fast

Both projects demonstrate: Corscience’s modular, open platform approach is a decisive advantage for the development of safe medical devices that meet the high requirements of users and the MDR. Thanks to its flexibility and scalability, manufacturers can not only create user-friendly devices, but also easily integrate current technologies such as touchpads or voice control, and achieve lower risk classes despite safety-critical functions.

Take advantage of shorter development times and customised solutions that are precisely tailored to your specific requirements. Contact us to find out more.

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